Welcome to LiterarySocial!

Why join our community?

If you love to read, write, or need to hone your writing skills, you'll fit right in! No matter whether you write as a hobby or profession, you can fit in here. Just love to read? That's awesome!! We love people who read as this is what we live for.

  • Stories

    Write to your heart's content! Find new stories to get your imagination in gear! Enjoy!

  • Forum

    We have forums to practice writing, discuss stories, write reviews, and meet each other. Come have fun!

  • Video Lectures and Literature

    We have video lectures from some amazing authors as well as literature on "tape".

  • Groups

    Join reading groups, author fan groups, and writing help groups. Lots of inspiration!

  • Events

    Authors and fans - post events and let everyone know what's happening! Don't miss out on the fun!

  • Polls

    Let everyone know your views by voting in our polls! Create a poll to see how others feel.

Explore Popular Stories and Articles

Read stories and articles created by LiterarySocial authors!

LiterarySocial Groups

Writing, author fan clubs, book clubs and more! Join or create one today!

You'll Find Many Reasons to Join Us

We've worked hard to make our community a safe, fun and secure place for you to spend your time.

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    Creative ideas hatched

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    Amazing worlds created or destroyed

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    Characters brought to life... or death

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    Imaginations stirred


LiterarySocial in a Nutshell

Here's what makes us tick! The reason we created LiterarySocial and what makes us a great community for book lovers and writers.


Imagination is what creates stories and all writing. Expand your imagination by writing or reading our stories and articles.

Free to Join

No price to join! Just come in and share your stories or thoughts. Like and rate articles and stories to let your favorite authors know how much you like their writing.

Desktop or Mobile

LiterarySocial works on any device or screen. No need to run and grab mobile apps here!

Promote Your Writing

If you're an author, you can post your stories, list your published books for sale, promote your events and get noticed - without a fee!


Get writing help, give or get critiques, and join in various debates about literary topics. Get to know each other and make some great friends and connections.


Our website is secure and provides secure passwords and privacy settings to keep you safe. You own your work - we don't claim to. We do have copyright notices as well to help protect your writing.

Articles and Stories

Read or write editorials, poems, stories and whatever interests you. Get writing help with our writing exercises.

Easy Peasy

Our community is user friendly and easy to use. We have FAQs, tutorials, and a forum for questions should you need any help.

LiterarySocial Community