Yeah, that's what I said, three dots and a space. That is how you are supposed to write it. Put more tips in this thread please.
So it's like this... and then you write the rest. See, three dots and a space.
Italics and underlines- You can use one or the other but never both. They mean the same thing—underlining used to be a copy-editing mark to tell printers to set certain words in italic type. Underlining italics meant the editor wanted the words taken out of italics. So underlining your already- italicized phrase is, in effect, like using a double negative.
As adjectives, trademarks may not be used in the plural or possessive form.
Correct: I bought two Macintosh computers.
Not Correct: I bought two Macintoshes.
Thanks for the tips. Don't forget to put the hashtags.

I edited to put them.
March 6, 2023 8:55 PM EST
... and a space... great tip! Thank you!