November 11, 2014 5:34 AM EST
If you sell stuff on other sites such as Amazon, for example, you probably want to put the URL to the item in your listing. This tutorial shows two ways for you to do that.
For long URLS, they don't look so nice just entered as the URL. You can use HTML to make them look better and here is how.
1. Get your link from Amazon. For this tutorial, I'll use Stephen King's new book
Revival. See how that link looks long and not so pleasing on the eyes? (Yes, I know they have a way to share a short URL but some places don't, so this is just an example)
2. In the Description area of your listing, put whatever description you want. Then you can put the URL such as
Get [url=""]Revival now!
using this code, and it is formatted to open in a new tab, making it better for people clicking it.
Normal, aligned left:
<div><a href="" target="_blank">BUY LINKS LOCATED HERE</a></div>
Aligned in the center:
<div style="text-align: center;"><a href="" target="_blank">BUY LINKS LOCATED HERE</a></div>
You can copy this code and replace URL with your URL and Link Title with the word you want to use (Revival is the Link Title in our example.
<div><a href="URL" target="_blank">Link Title</a></div>
Putting links without using the above code
You can also just copy and paste the URL in the "Link to Purchase" text input box. It won't make a clickable link though.
This post was edited by LS Admin at February 27, 2017 8:51 AM EST