The Unbearable Costs of Becoming a Writer By Nicole Chung

    • 41 posts
    April 16, 2023 10:07 AM EDT

    I found Nicole Chung's story moving. Nicole Chung was passionate about writing at a young age and worked hard through out her career in the hopes to always help her parents if they were ever in need.  She made a lot of sacrifices along the way.  I think when your inner soul is motivated by writing that it's a powerful force within to write what's in your mind, to translate it to words on a paper and share your talent with the world.

    I became an editor by volunteering for an Asian American magazine, a nonprofit mission-driven labor of love where no one drew a salary. Ten to fifteen hours of unpaid labor a week in exchange for the editorial experience I wanted was, to me, an acceptable trade—nearly all my labor then was unpaid. I cared for my infant and toddler during the day, then went to writing class at night. I spent every spare moment I had and some that I didn’t pitching freelance pieces and working on my first book proposal.

    Link to Article


    This post was edited by LS Admin at May 6, 2023 1:48 PM EDT
    • 7 posts
    May 6, 2023 1:49 PM EDT

    Thanks for posting! I edited it to allow the link to open in a new tab. Unfortunately, the article is only for subscribers so I couldn't read it but it sounds like an interesting one.