Classifieds » Books and Publications » Homer the Little Unicorn

Homer the Little Unicorn


Homer, the little unicorn, dreams of being just like his hero Pegasus the flying horse. Follow along as Homer goes on quest after quest to reach his goal. Does he reach his goal to be like his hero, or does he find something even more valuable?

Homer teaches us that we don't need wings in order to soar. That each of us is special just as we are.

At the back of the book are two blank pages to allow for creativity. So many kids love to draw and continue their own version of the story and I felt it important to allow them that space.

There is an additional page available via pdf to anyone that purchases this book. It contains additional story and image. To request your copy, please contact me.

  • Genre Children's Fiction
  • Price $9.25
  • Link to Purchase
  • Short Description Follow Homer the unicorn on a quest to become like his hero, Pegasus.
  • Location United States
